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Ukraine Travel Center
Food Delivery Kyiv


Tel.: +380 (44) 331 77 33 / 332 69 99;
Working Hours: 11am - 9pm
Minimal order: 90 hr., delivery - 26 hr.; all city


Tel.: +380 (44) 222 5 222;
Working Hours: 24/7
Delivery - 5-10 hr.; all city; + water, beer, salads

Web-site: Mamamia Pizza (in Russian) Order online

Imperia Pizzy

Tel.: +380 (44) 499 19 29;
Working Hours: 24/7
Minimal order: 65hr.; delivery - free; extra charge 15% from 22:00 until 8:00; all city; + drinks, salads, fresh juice

Web-site: Imperia Pizzy (in Russian / English) Order online


Tel.: +380 (44) 255 57 94; +380 (44) 502 34 05;
Working Hours: 10am - 10pm
Minimal order: 50 hr.; delivery - free; center

Rondo Pizza

Tel.: Central district +380 (44) 482 32 20 (11am - 10pm); Obolon' (11am - 10pm) 592 26 00; Kharkivs'kyi 592 53 00 (noon - 11pm); Troyeschyna 592 82 82 (11am - 10pm); Teremky 227 20 80 (11am - 10pm)
Delivery - all city, + salads, drinks (soda, juice), fries

Web-site: Rondo Pizza (in Russian) Order online

Pan Pizza

Tel.: +380 (44) 234-55-92;
Working Hours: 9:30am - 10:45pm
Minimal order: 50 hr., delivery - 10 hr.; all city, except Troyeschina and Teremky; + salads, drinks, soup, cakes, other food

Web-site: Pan Pizza (in Russian / Ukrainian) Oder online

Ukushuka (online sushi bar)

Tel.: +380 (44) 22 333 44 / 22 333 77;
Working Hours: 11am - 11pm
Minimal order - 70 hr.; Delivery - 20 hr.; all city; + salads, soups, desserts, sandviches, rice; credit cards are accepted

Web-site: Ukushuka (in Russian) Order online

Yakitoriya ( Sushi )

Tel.: +380 (44) 237 55 37;
Working Hours: 10am - 5am
Delivery: 30hr.; all city; + drinks, salads, soups, desserts, vegeterian + other food

Web-site: Yakitoriya (in Russian) Order online

Yapona Hata ( Sushi )

Tel.: 0 800 30 112 3;
Minimal order: 50hr., delivery - 20 hr. (if your order is over 100 hr. - delivery is free in the central part of the city; if your order is over 200 hr. - delivery is free to any part of the city); all city; + soups and salads

Web-site: Yapona Hata (in Russian) Orders online

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