Your Best Travel Guide to Ukraine 16:45 | 14.02.2025 Choose your language УкраїнськаEnglishРусскийPolskaDeutschItalianoFrançaiseEspañol
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Ukraine Travel Center
Shopping Kyiv

There are quite a lot of different supermarkets in Kyiv where you could find nearly everything you might need during your stay in Kyiv. Among them: Velyka Kyshenya, Billa, Furshet, Silpo, Spar, etc. You could also find smaller local supermarket chains like like: Fora, Krai, Bumi market, Eko market, etc. During the recent years a lot of Shopping Malls have been built in Kyiv: Kvadrat, Globus, Metrograd, GorodOk, etc. Building hypermarkets are growing like mushrooms after the rain. The biggest are Epicenter and Nova Liniya.

Ukrainian Rynok (market)
Ukrainian Rynok (market)

Sometimes markets are the better alternative to the supermarkets to get fresh fruits and vegetables. No doubt you should visit one of the many farmer markets in Kyiv (Kiev) and try to get what you'd like. Of course it would be better if you know a couple of words in Ukrainian or Russian to be able to communicate with "babushkas" selling the stuff, otherwise you might need to do your best and use your mimics and hands to explain them what you need :). The most expensive is Besarabs'ky Rynok, but you could find nearly everything over there, including popular black and red caviar. If you are shopping for meats it's probably better to do it at the supermarkets, or at least if you decide to buy at the rynok, do it early in the day.

The biggest rynok is Troyeschyna. It is the most famous among locals to get clothes and other goods. Very popular are the Radio Rynok na Kardachah and na Kharkivs'ky, where you could get any wires, mobile phones, spare parts for electric or electronic appliances, etc. Kurenivs'ky and Sinny Rynok& are famouse for their flee markets. At the Yunist' Rynok you could find building materials and furniture. Petrivka market is famous for its books and CDs/DVDs.

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