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Ukraine Travel Center
Key Making Kyiv

Sometimes you might need to have an extra key made. You could find Key Making Offices thoughout the city. Nearly every market (bazar) has them.


Key making - in Ukrainian "Vygotovlennya Klyuchiv", in Russian "Izgotovleniye Klyuchei";
Key - in Ukrainian "Klyuch", in Russian "Klyuch";
Lock - in Ukrainian "Zamok", in Russian "Zamok";

Living Essentails

Key Making Services

Address: 18/1, Prorizna Street, Kyiv, Ukraine

Metro Stop: Zoloti Vorota (green line)

Key World - Key Making Services
Key World - Key Making Services

Key World - Key Making Services

Address: 9, Minina Street, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Metro Stop:
Tel.: (44) 292 71 27

Services: Repair of Locks of all types, making the keys of all types, locks changing and installation, door opening, sales of safes.

Emergency Door Opening: 24/7; Tel.: (050) 446 20 10 / (44) 247 98 50
Lock Installation: (44) 228 90 48 / (097) 449 75 54


* 11, Bratyslavs'ka Street, Kyiv, Ukraine; Nearest Metro Stop: Chernigivs'ka (red line); Building Supermarketl Epicenter;
* 40, Grygorenko Street, Kyiv, Ukraine; Nearest Metro Stop: Poznyaky (green line); Building Supermarket Epicenter;
* 40, Grygorenko Street, Kyiv, Ukraine; Nearest Metro Stop: Poznyaky (green line); Building Supermarket Epicenter;
* 1b, Kil'tseva Doroga Street, Kyiv, Ukraine. Teremky District; Building Supermarket Epicenter;
* 12, Lugova Street, Kyiv, Ukraine. Shopping Mall Karavan; Nearest metro stop: Mins'ka (blue line);
* 12, Malynovs'kogo Street, Kyiv, Ukraine. Shopping Mall Metropolis; Nearest metro stop: Obolon (blue line)
Web-site: Key World(in Russian)

Emergency Door Opening and lock changing & installation

Emergency Door Opening and lock changing & installation

Address: 2/30, Knyazhy Zaton Street, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Metro Stop: Poznyaky (green line)

Services: Opening of metal door locks, car locks, safe locks, etc., lock sales and installation; sales of safes.

Emergency Door Opening: 24/7; Tel.: (44) 575 55 55 / (44) 575 55 88 / (067) 500 30 50 / (067) 500 30 60 / (063) 237 21 90


Web-site: Emergency Door Opening (in Russian)

Lockmaister na Podoli - Key Making Services

Address: 10/10, the corner of Brats'ka and Borysoglibs'ka Streets, Podil district, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Metro Stop: Kontraktova Ploscha (blue line)

Tel.: (44) 494 39 99

Services: Sales and installation of doors and locks, Mul-T-Lock service center, safes, key and master-system making, changes of locks.

Working Hours: 9am - 7pm; Saturday: 10am - 4pm; (Sunday - Off);
Web-site: Lockmaister na Podoli (in Ukrainian)

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