Sometimes you might need to have an extra key made. You could find Key Making Offices thoughout the city. Nearly every market (bazar) has them.
Key making - in Ukrainian "Vygotovlennya Klyuchiv", in Russian "Izgotovleniye Klyuchei";
Key - in Ukrainian "Klyuch", in Russian "Klyuch";
Lock - in Ukrainian "Zamok", in Russian "Zamok";
Key World - Key Making Services
Address: 9, Minina Street, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Metro Stop:
Tel.: (44) 292 71 27
Services: Repair of Locks of all types, making the keys of all types, locks changing and installation, door opening, sales of safes.
Emergency Door Opening: 24/7; Tel.: (050) 446 20 10 / (44) 247 98 50
Lock Installation: (44) 228 90 48 / (097) 449 75 54
* 11, Bratyslavs'ka Street, Kyiv, Ukraine; Nearest Metro Stop: Chernigivs'ka (red line); Building Supermarketl Epicenter;
* 40, Grygorenko Street, Kyiv, Ukraine; Nearest Metro Stop: Poznyaky (green line); Building Supermarket Epicenter;
* 40, Grygorenko Street, Kyiv, Ukraine; Nearest Metro Stop: Poznyaky (green line); Building Supermarket Epicenter;
* 1b, Kil'tseva Doroga Street, Kyiv, Ukraine. Teremky District; Building Supermarket Epicenter;
* 12, Lugova Street, Kyiv, Ukraine. Shopping Mall Karavan; Nearest metro stop: Mins'ka (blue line);
* 12, Malynovs'kogo Street, Kyiv, Ukraine. Shopping Mall Metropolis; Nearest metro stop: Obolon (blue line)
Web-site: Key World(in Russian)

Emergency Door Opening and lock changing & installation
Address: 2/30, Knyazhy Zaton Street, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Metro Stop: Poznyaky (green line)
Services: Opening of metal door locks, car locks, safe locks, etc., lock sales and installation; sales of safes.
Emergency Door Opening: 24/7; Tel.: (44) 575 55 55 / (44) 575 55 88 / (067) 500 30 50 / (067) 500 30 60 / (063) 237 21 90
Web-site: Emergency Door Opening (in Russian)
Lockmaister na Podoli - Key Making Services
Address: 10/10, the corner of Brats'ka and Borysoglibs'ka Streets, Podil district, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Metro Stop: Kontraktova Ploscha (blue line)
Tel.: (44) 494 39 99
Services: Sales and installation of doors and locks, Mul-T-Lock service center, safes, key and master-system making, changes of locks.
Working Hours: 9am - 7pm; Saturday: 10am - 4pm; (Sunday - Off);
Web-site: Lockmaister na Podoli (in Ukrainian)