The official currency of Ukraine is Hryvnia, also spelled as Hryvna or Grivna. It replaced the Coupon in 1996, which was the short-term currency used in Ukraine after it split from the Soviet Union. Ukrainian coins are called "kopiyka". One kopiyka equals 1/100 of Hryvnia.
Lettered code - UAH, numeric code - 980, abbreviated name - Hrn. Issuing institution - the National Bank of Ukraine.
There are bills for 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500 Hryvnia. There are coins for 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, and 50 kopiykas. Also there are 1, 2, and 5 Hryvnia coins as well as some commemorative collectible coins. The artist of all circulation coins of all denominations is V.Lopata.
USA dollars and Euros are the most popular foreign currency in Ukraine, so it is preferrable to bring US dollars or Euros with you. Use of them is officially forbidden in shops, bars and restaurants. There are a lot of currency exchange places throughout the city; at the hotels, banks and airports. Make sure your foreign currency bills are new looking and crisp. Written-on, torn or crumpled banknotes are usually rejected or could be exchanged only at the banks and sometimes at a lower rate. Your passport is not required for the exchange of currency. Avoid changing money with private individuals.
Personal checks practically don't exist in Ukraine, but many places in Kiev have started to accept major credit cards like Visa or MasterCard and some others. Travellers' checks could be cashed at the banks for 3%. American Express does not have an office in Ukraine to replace lost checks.

It is better to have cash with you as well and not to rely solely on credit cards and travellers' checks. (Tel in Ukraine: 8 (800) 500 222 0 (toll free) Participating ATM Networks: Raiffeisen Bank Aval)
Where to get or cash Travellers Checks:
ВТБ (VTB) Bank,, 0 800-50-777-60 (toll free)
Oschadbank of Ukraine,, +380 44 247-85-54
Pravex Bank,, 0 800-500-4500 (toll free)
Privat Bank,, 0 800-500-0030 (toll free)
Raiffeisen Bank Aval,, +380 44 490-88-88 (24 / 7)
Ukrsotsbank,, +380 44 205-45-53
UkreximBank,, +380 44 247-89-92
You could get money using your credit card out of the ATM machines (local word for it is "Bankomat") throughout the city. But make sure the ATM you are going to use is located in a public place, like shopping malls, hotels, inside the banks or next to the banks, inside the travel agencies or ticket offices, etc. Make sure, your card logo is on the ATM machine. Usually ATMs offer Hryvnias. Only a few locations could offer you dollars via an ATM. Instructions are in Russian, Ukrainian or English.
National Bank of Ukraine (NBU)
Address: 9 Instytutska St., Kyiv 01601
Tel: (+380 44) 253-01-80
Fax: (+380 44) 230-20-33, 253-77-50
Telex: 131018 NBNK UX, 131251 KIJ UX
Web-site: National Bank of Ukraine (Ukrainian/English)
Banks in Ukraine
The evolution of the national banking system in Ukraine started in March 1991, after the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Banks and Banking" by the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada. The Ukrainian banking system is a two-tier structure consisting of the National Bank of Ukraine and commercial banks of various types and forms of ownership including the state-owned Export-Import Bank and a specialized commercial Savings Bank (Oschadny Bank). Read more about the banking system of Ukraine here
Major banks in Ukraine are:
Raiffeisen Bank Aval
Web-site: (in Ukrainian / Russian / English)
Privat Bank
Web-site: (in Ukrainian / Russian / English)
Pravex Bank
Web-site: (in Ukrainian / Russian / English)
Oschadny Bank
Web-site: (in Ukrainian)
Universal Bank
Web-site: (in Ukrainian)
Nadra Bank
Web-site: (in Ukrainian / Russian / English)
Web-site: (in Ukrainian / Russian / English)
Web-site: (in Ukrainian / Russian / English)
Web-site: (in Ukrainian / Russian / English)
Procredit Bank
Web-site: (in Ukrainian / Russian / English)
Unicredit Bank
Web-site: (in Ukrainian / Russian / English)
Prominvest Bank
Web-site: (in Ukrainian / English)
Finance & Credit Bank
Web-site: (in Ukrainian / Russian / English)
Index Bank
Web-site: (in Ukrainian / Russian / English)
Ukrexim Bank
Web-site: (in Ukrainian / Russian / English)
Web-site: (in Ukrainian / Russian / English)
Money Transfer
There are several money transfer systems available in Ukraine, but the biggest and the most popular ones are : Western Union and Money Gram. Nowdays the best rates for transfering money to / from Ukraine offers Money Gram. Use Money Gram Agent Locator to find the nearest Money Gram Agent. Nearly every bank represents one or several Money Transfer Systems. Just look for the sign on the bank.
You could also find Money Transfer Agents not at the banks but at the Money Transfer Stands (kiosk), usually located in the shopping malls or inside the metro.
It's also quite easy and cheap to transfer money inside of Ukraine using local money transfer agents.The biggest banks like Privat, Raiffeisen Aval and Pravex offer their own Money Transfer Systems. Privat offers Privat Money (in UAH, USD, EUR). Pravex has Pravex Telegraf (in UAH, USD, EUR) and it is the cheapest money transfer system. Reiffeisen Aval has Aval Express (in UAH) and Bystraya Pochta (in USD and EUR). Ukrsibbank has UKRSIB (in UAH, USD and EUR). Same as using Western Union (WU) or Money Gram (MG) you will have to fill in the appropriate form and the money will be transferred within 15 minutes, or less. These banks are wide spread and have got departments in every city in Ukraine. You will need your passport to send or receive the transfer.
Don't forget to make sure the chosen bank exists in the city you need to transfer money to.
Other Money Transfer Systems available in Kyiv and Ukraine are: UNIStream, SWIFT, Travelex, Contact, Anelik, VMT (Lider), BLIZKO, Xpress Money.

Money Gram
Banks: Pravex Bank, Nadra Bank, Ukrprombank, Prominvestbank, Finance & Credit Bank, Ukrexim Bank, UkrGas Bank
* Worldwide
* In USD and EUR
Phone: +380 44 592-00-00 / 451-55-88 / 592-55-88
Web-site: Money Gram

Western Union
Banks: Pravex Bank, Privat Bank, Raiffeisen Aval, Nadra Bank, Ursibbank, Ukrprombank, Procredit, Prominvestbank, Finance & Credit Bank, Index Bank, Ukrexim Bank, UkrGas Bank
* Worldwide
* In USD and EUR
* You cannot send more than 10 000 Hrv. or $600 per day.
Phone: +380 44 466-0-466 or 0 800 500-5000
Web-site: Western Union

Privat Money
Address: 41, B.Khmelnitskiy Street, Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine
Call Centre: Tel: 0 (800) 500 003 free of charge in Ukraine);
Tel.: +380 (44) 569 4797 / 569 4787
* in UAH / USD / EUR (in USD and EUR with opening an account)
* Transfer rates: 1 - 4 %
Web-site: Privat Money
Pravex Telegraph

Address: 2, B.Khmelnitskiy Street, Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine; +380 (44) 234-15-47 /234-24-30;
Branch Locator
Call Centre: Tel: 0 (800) 500 450 (free of charge in Ukraine);
Tel.: +380 (44) 201-1661 (24/7)
* in UAH / USD / EUR (in USD and EUR with opening an account)
* Transfer rates: 1 - 3 %
Web-site: Pravex Telegraph
Aval Express

Address: ул. Лескова, 9, тел. +380 (44) 490–88–88
* in UAH - Aval Express
* Transfer rates: 6 %
Phone: 0 800 500 500 - free
Web-site: Aval Express

Bystraya Pochta
Address: ул. Лескова, 9, тел. +380 (44) 490–88–88
* in USD / EUR - Bystraya Pochta (without opening an account)
* Transfer rates: 6 %
Phone: 0 800 500 500 - free
Web-site: Bystraya Pochta

Ukrpromin' - Ukrprombank
Address: Head Office: 2b, Lesi Ukrayinky Bulvar, Kyiv, 01133, Ukraine
Call Centre: Tel: 0 (800) 500 235 (toll free inside Ukraine)
Working Hours: 9:30am - 5pm, Sat., Sun. - Off
Branch: 16, Khreschatik Street, Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine / Tel.: +380 (44) 278 0137
Working Hours: 9am - 6pm, lunch 1:30pm - 2pm, Sat.: 10am - 4pm, Sun. - Off
* in UAH
* Low Transfer rates
* Possible to change the name of the receiver during 45 days (when the transfer is still in the system and not yet claimed)
Web-site: Ukrpromin'
Express Transfer of PJSC INDEX-BANK
Address: Head Office: 42/4, Pushkins'ka Street, Kyiv, 01004, Ukraine; Tel.: 581 0722 / 581 0723
Call Centre: Tel: 0 (800) 500 130 (toll free inside Ukraine)
Branch: 23, Baseina Street, Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine / Tel.: +380 (44) 235 4322
* in UAH / USD
* 0.8% - 1.5%
Web-site: Index (in Ukrainian / Russian / English)
Note: The information contained herein is intended for informational purposes only. (U.B.K.) seeks to collect the most accurate and up to date information possible but of course, specific details are subject to change at short notice - something for which we cannot be held accountable. If you find a mistake, please feel free to let us know at