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Ukraine Travel Center
Transportation Kyiv

    Public transportation in Kyiv includes the metro (underground / subway), buses, marshrutkas (public mini bus), trolleybuses and trams.

    Public transportation is quite developed it Kyiv (same about the other cities of Ukraine) and you could easily get from one part of the city to another by just using the city transport.

    Kiev (Kyiv) Metro system

    Kyiv metro map
    Kyiv metro map

    Kiev (Kyiv) Metro system is without a doubt the fastest, most convenient and affordable way to get around nearly all of the city. Kiev's Subway is expanding to meet an ever increasing number of users - currently estimated at one and half million passengers per day.

    Metro Tocken Machine
    Metro Tocken Machine

    Payments: Metro Tokens (in Ukrainian - "Zheton") or Passes (in Ukrainian - "Proyiznyi";

    Starting from the 1st of February, 2009 Metro Tokens cost 1.70 Hryvnia. You can buy them in each Metro Station at the "Kassa" (Cashier) or from a wall mounted dispenser, usually located near the "Kassa", which excepts ten Hryvnya bills. New tokens are blue, and actually they are not new "new", as they've been withdrawn out of usage in 2000.

    Passes are available at each Metro Station at the "Kassa". You can purchase a monthly pass from the 22nd of each month until the 10th of the following month.

    Metro ticket office (kassa)
    Metro ticket office (kassa)

    Transport Passes

    New rates from the 1st of February 2009:

    Passes available (in Kyiv):

    Metro Pass --- 95 hryvna per month; 910 hryvna per year;
    Metro/Bus, Tram or Trolleybus --- 150 hryvna per month; 1 430 hryvna per year;

    Metro/Bus/Tram/Trolleybus --- 230 hryvna per month; 1 990 hryvna per year;
    Note: Passes do not include Marshrutkas and Minibuses.
    Bus or Tram or Trolleybus --- 60 hryvna per month; 150 hryvna per three months, 275 hryvna per year;
    Two types of transport (out of Bus, Tram orTrolleybus) --- 110 hryvna per month; 275 hryvna per three months, 495 hryvna per year;
    Bus/Tram/Trolleybus --- 140 hryvna per month; 350 hryvna per three months, 660 hryvna per year;
    Note: Passes do not include Marshrutkas and Minibuses.

    • Kyiv subway

    Short review and interesting facts about Kyiv Subway

    Kyiv Subway
    Kyiv Subway

    Kyiv Metro was opened in the fall of 1960. Construction spanned eleven years, from 1949 to 1960. The first line was tagged the red line, namely Sviatoshyns'ko-Brovars'ka.

    At present there are 3 operating lines in the Kyiv Subway System. The total length is about 58,7 km. There are 445 metro stations along with 3 points of interchange, where you can change from one line to another. There are approximately 664 metro wagons and 119 escalators.

    Do you know that

    Arsenalna metro station
    Arsenalna metro station

    the deepest metro station in Europe is Kyiv metro station Arsenal'na (red line). Its depth is about 105 meters! The depth of the station influenced on its inner design. The thick pylons of the station are open for the passengers only in two sides of the platform. Almost all of the central hall is occupied by the official metro facilities, which is not very comfortable for passengers. However it allowed to shorten the length of the station.

    Kyiv subway sign
    Kyiv subway sign

    Nearly all metro signs are in Ukrainian. Just recently signs in English have appeared inside of the metro carriages. You could find them on the windows of every carriage. But anyway if you don't speak Ukrainian or Russian, you better learn to read the Cyrillic alphabeth or carefully count the stops. Sometimes it could be hard, especially during the rush hours when Kiev / Kyiv metro is very crowded to find the signs in English.

    Working Hours: 6 a.m. (minus 25 min.) - 12 midnight (+ 25 min.)

    Official Kyiv Metro website (available only in Ukrainian and Russian)

    Metro Hot Line: + 380 (44) 537-55-05

    Kyiv Subway Museum is open for visitors at 35, Peremogy Street, Metro Administration. Free entrance. Monday and Wednesday from 3pm till 5pm. Tuesday and Thursday from 9am till noon.

    Kyiv Subway
    Kyiv Subway

    There are three more other cities in Ukraine with the subway (metro):


    Kyiv Funicular
    Kyiv Funicular

    One unique mode of public transportation Kiev has is the Funicular (Foo-knee-koo'ler), which climbs up the steep right bank of the Dnipro River. It transports 10,000-15,000 passengers daily and connects the Center with the Podil District. The ticket costs 2.00 Hryvnia. The length of the rail tracks is 193 meters. It was open in May 1905 and was called "Michailivs'ky elektrychny kanatny pidyom".


    Kyiv Taxi
    Kyiv Taxi

    Taxi's are located throughout the city and can be found very easily. Compared to other Europeon coutries fares are quite cheap and are negotiated in advance, if taken in the street. If you call the taxi company they usually name the price. Most taxis don't use a meter.

    The best taxi's are those with their company's phone number on the rooftop, or side, of the car. Others may be private taxi's which may be more expensive and less comfortable. Hitchhiking is common in Ukraine, but not recommended for tourists. Hitchhikers extend their arm, so that approaching cars can clearly see, pointing their first and second fingers together toward the street, motioning with their fingers up and down. They then negotiate for a few hryvna for the ride.

    - Kyiv City Taxi Services phone number: 058

    Sometimes, especially at night and during holidays, it's hard to get a taxi from a taxi company. They would just say that there are no cars in your area. In this case it could be faster to get a taxi from the street, but you have to be firm and negotiate the price beforehand or your Taxi fare will skyrocket.

    Taxi Companies in Kyiv

    Tel.: +380 44 494 49 35/38

    Tel.: +380 44 238 26 91

    Radio Taxi
    Tel.: +380 44 490 2 490

    Tel.: +380 44 501 69 69

    Tel.: +380 44 248 82 48 / 537 35 35

    Car Rental and Transportation Services

    Avis Rent a Car

    Tel.: +380 44 502 20 10
    Fax: +380 44 502 20 14

    Address: 72 b, Yamskaya Street;

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